BSRT #915F "Formula G-Jet�" Ready-to-Race Car

Get in on the fun of racing a BSRT G-Jet today! Every G-Jet is meticulously hand-assembled by the Pros at BSRT. This assures you you're getting the best possible performance from the G-Jet you purchase. Every car is blueprinted during assembly and run-in for a minimum of five hours on a regulated power supply. After that, every G-Jet is track tested to ensure it's performance comes up to the high standards you expect from BSRT.

New for this year, BSRT has released their #915F �Formula G-Jet� Rolling Chassis. This exciting new car is based on the long wheelbase version of the G3 chassis which allows the use of Tomy AFX snap-on Formula bodies. This G-Jet features wide front tires to get the realistic look of a true Formula car. Any Formula body that fits a Super G-Plus car will also fit the Formula G-Jet. This G-Jet came about due to the increased popularity of this class around the country which has culminated with the very first running of the U.S. G-Jet Grand Prix.

Above: Formula G-Jet shown with snap-on Formula body
(body not included with car)

#915F - "Formula G-Jet" Ready-to-Race Rolling Chassis
A factory custom-built ready-to-race car assembled by the Pros at BSRT:
- A completely assembled Ready-to-Race car with all the Pro "tweaks".
- BSRT G-Force� C4 Ceramic-Grade Motor Magnets.
- 9-ohm Armature designed to run perfectly on 12-volt power.
High-performance Injection-Molded Black Silicone Slip-on Rear Tires.
- Wide Formula front rims/tires for realistic Formula car appearance.
- All rotating components "blueprinted" during the assembly process.
- Every factory-built G-Jet is broken-in on a regulated power supply.
- All existing Tomy AFX Super G-Plus Formula bodies fit the car.

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